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Columbia Law School History

Columbia Law School History

220 Years Ago, James Kent Was Appointed the First Professor of Law

Impacts of Kent's Appointment

Established in 1923 by the Faculty of Law in memory of James Kent who in 1793 became the first Professor of. WEB James Kent Was Appointed the First Professor of Law at Columbia 220 Years Ago Kent an influential jurist who served as a.

Continuous Success

WEB Students who have high honors status generally those who are in the top two to eight percent of the class during any one of their years at Columbia Law School. WEB This Cited by count includes citations to the following articles in Scholar The ones marked may be different from the article in the profile. UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute University of California Santa Cruz UCSC Genome Browser - Cited by 166664 - Bioinformatics - Epigenetics..
